Some of us make huge money. Some makes a real big amount. It is as if they have a magicformula. Look at the rich list. Most of them find their name repeated year after year. Atthe same time there are some who are born with great intelligence and manage to only earntheir living. They never manage to make big money. Why? What is the secret that makes somepeople attract money?
What is Money attraction: Is their something like money attraction? We find some peoplewith great charisma. They attract people towards them. Is their something similar withmoney? Do some people have magnetic pull over money? Yes. It is there. The people whoattract money believe that - they deserve to earn big money. They also believe that thereis enough money in the world. They are of the opinion that everybody should become rich.They know how to save money and spend it judiciously. They know that they have theintelligence to make huge money. They know how to make business plans that work and theyhave faith in their plans. You can not easily change their mind.
On the other hand we a much larger population who believes that big money is for others.These people have some how come to a conclusion that big money is not in their fate. Thesepeople do not believe that they have the intelligence that is superior and they may losemoney if they venture. Somehow this large majority believes in all the factors that drivemoney away.
Money is in thinking. Money is in confidence. Money is in self-belief and money is inmind. Believe it and you will earn it.
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